By Jill Holroyd
First published by the Grindle Press, Ipswich, Suffolk, in book form, ISBN 0 9518816 0 4.
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So much has changed since 1992, when this book was first published, but people have told me there's still a lot in it that they find helpful. So I'm having a go at putting it on the internet, bit by bit, taking out or revising what's very out-of-date. In chapter 15 there's a new section on 'using the internet to find things out' which you might like to have a look at.
Nothing in this internet book is intended as a substitute for your most important source of medical information, which should always be your doctor.
While every effort has been taken to establish the accuracy of information in this internet book, no responsibility can be taken for errors of fact or interpretation. Inclusion of information in this book does not imply recommendation. You must use your own judgement, and seek advice where appropriate.
Section 1: You, your arthritis, and the healthcare team | |
chapter 1 | Why this book's for you |
chapter 2 | Rheumatic disorders (1): What are they? What's the immune system? |
chapter 3 | Rheumatic disorders (2): More about some individual rheumatic disorders |
chapter 4 | You and your doctor |
chapter 5 | Drug therapy |
chapter 6 | Physical care, rest and exercise programme |
chapter 7 | Hospitals |
chapter 8 | Surgery |
chapter 9 | Diet and arthritis |
chapter 10 | Alternative/complementary medicine |
Section 2: Your physical and emotional feelings | |
chapter 11 | The pain drain |
chapter 12 | Psychological and emotional reactions (1): The dark side of the hill |
chapter 13 | Psychological and emotional reactions (2): Working towards a positive philosophy: The brighter side of the hill |
chapter 14 | Some simple self-help anti-stress techniques |
Section 3: Finding help to help yourself | |
chapter 15 | Overcoming the information barrier |
chapter 16 | Am I a disabled person? Or not? |
chapter 17 | Finance and benefits |
chapter 18 | Dealing with bureaucracy |
chapter 19 | Insurance |
Section 4: Daily practicalities, at home and outside | |
chapter 20 | Sanity-savers: gadgets, adaptations and alternative methods |
chapter 21 | Personal care |
chapter 22 | Home, sweet home? |
chapter 23 | Shopping |
chapter 24 | Out and about |
Section 5: You and other people | |
chapter 25 | Other people |
chapter 26 | Marriage and partnerships |
chapter 27 | Sex and arthritis |
chapter 28 | Having children |
chapter 29 | Personal accounts of arthritis and famous people with arthritis |
Section 6: Keeping busy | |
chapter 30 | Studying for pleasure or for a purpose |
chapter 31 | Employment |
chapter 32 | Working at home, and starting your own business |
chapter 33 | Voluntary work |
chapter 34 | Holidays |
chapter 35 | Pastimes |
Appendix 1 | Select bibliography for healthcare professionals |
Appendix 2 | Addresses List |
Appendix 3 | About the 1992 book, some reviews, and the author |
Appendix 4 | Press Release from the Grindle Press, 1992 |
Some common abbreviations | |
ARC | Arthritis Research Campaign |
AS | ankylosing spondylitis |
CAB | Citizens' Advice Bureau |
JIA | Juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
MDT | multi-disciplinary team |
NICE | National Institute for Clinical Excellence |
NRAS | National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society |
OT | occupational therapist |
PCT | primary care trust |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) |
YPA | younger person with arthritis |
Where information differs for Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland that's usually signposted by the sources mentioned. Some people whose comments are quoted have asked to remain anonymous. Pseudonyms are indicated by an asterisk*