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Henry Birkett Coombes (b 1903)
Source Documents

1901 Marriage Certificate of Henry Lewis Coombes and Alice Barton

Registration District of Liverpool
1901. Marriage Solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Liverpool in the County of Liverpool
No. 156
1. When Married 3 March 1901
2. Name and Surname Herny Lewis Coombs Alice Barton
3. Age 22 21
4. Condition Bachelor Spinster
5. Rank or Profession Decorator
6. Residence at the time of Marriage Oldham Street Oldham Street
7. Father's Name and Surname George Henry Coombes John Barton
8. Rank or Profession of Father Master Mariner Stonemason
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Harold Clark, Curate. This Marriage was solemnized between us, Henry Lewis Coombes, Alice Barton in the Presence of us, Henry King Aslett, Sarah Jane Aslett

1903 Birth Certificate of Henry Birkett Coombes

Registration District West Derby
1903 Birth in the Sub-district of Litherland in the County of Lancaster
No. 84
1. When and where born Eighteenth June 1903 16 Lily Road Litherland U.D. [Urban District]
2. Name, if any Henry Birkett
3. Sex Boy
4. Name and surname of father Henry Lewis Coombes
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Alice Coombes formerly Barton
6. Occupation of father Painter (Journeyman)
7. Signature, description and residence of informant A. Coombes Mother 16 Lily Road Litherland
8. When registered Twenty Eighth July 1903
9. Signature of registrar Mary Edwards Registrar

1905 Birth Certificate of Ivy Evelyn McEwen

On the 1929 passenger list, the mother-in-law of Henry Birkett Coombes is shown as Alice McEwen of Litherland. The first name of Henry Birkett Coombes' mother was Alice. The mother of Ivy Evelyn McEwen for whom this is the birth certificate was Nellie Blanche McEwen of Litherland. If the name of Henry Birkett Coombes' mother-in-law was shown incorrectly on the 1929 passenger list, this could be the birth certificate of Henry Birkett Coombes' wife.

Registration District West Derby
1905 Birth in the Sub-district of Litherland in the County of Lancaster
No. 444
1. When and where born Fourth June 1905 41 Lily Road Litherland U.D.
2. Name, if any Ivy Evelyn
3. Sex Girl
4. Name and surname of father Charles Johnston McEwen
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Nellie Blanche McEwen formerly Jones
6. Occupation of father Gas Labourer
7. Signature, description and residence of informant N.B. McEwen 41 Lily Road Litherland
8. When registered Fourth July 1905
9. Signature of registrar M. Edwards Registrar

[1929] List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival.
All aliens arriving at a port of continental United States from a foreign port or a part of the insular possessions of the United States, and all aliens arriving at a port of said insular possessions from a foreign port, a port of continental United States, or a port of another insular possession, in whatever class they travel, must be fully listed and the master or commanding officer of each vessel carrying such passengers must upon arrival deliver lists thereof to the immigration officer.
This (white) sheet is for the listing of steerage passengers only.

S.S. "Montrose", Passengers sailing from Liverpool, 3rd May, 1929, Cardiff, 5th May 1929,
Arriving at Port of Quebec, P.Q. [Province of Quebec], May 13 1929
No. on List 1 2
Name in full Coombes, Henry B Coombes, Ivy Evelyn
Age 25 23
Married or single M M
Calling or occupation Painter Housewife
Nationality English ditto
Race or people English ditto
Place of birth England, Liverpool ditto
Immigration Visa Number Z1947.Q Z1948.Q
Issued at, Date Liverpool, 2/8/29
[8 February 1929]
Liverpool, 2/8/29
[8 February 1929]
Last permanent residence England, Liverpool ditto
The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came Mother in Law, Mrs. Alice McEwen, 59, Linacre rd, Litherland ditto
Final destination (Intended future permanent address) Illinois, Belvidere ditto
By whom was passage paid? Mr. Neilson ditto
Whether ever before in the United States No ditto
Whether going to join a relative or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address Step-Father, Mr. Albert Nielson, 622, E, Jackson St, Belvidere, Illinois Father-in-law
Condition of health, mental and physical Defective vision both eyes corrected by glasses - C - 28 Good
Height 5 Feet 9 Inches 5 Feet 3½ Inches
Color of Hair Auburn Brown
Color of Eyes Grey ditto
Marks of Identification Tattoo right arm None

note: Two other people, who did not appear to be travelling with Henry B. Coombes and Ivy Evelyn Coombes, were listed on this sheet: Dorothy Quick, 17, Single, Domestic, and Edward John Lipland, 36, Married, Miner.

other certificates:

1903, March Quarter, District Woolwich, Vol 1d, Page 1322:
Birth of Ivy Evelyn Coombes, daughter of Henry Williams Coombes and Mary Alice Coombes formerly Stebbins, on 30 November 1902 in Woolwich, London.

1903, June Quarter, District Southampton, Vol 2c, Page 68:
Marriage of George Alfred Coombes, 31, and Amy Jones, 33, on 12 May 1903 in Southampton, Hampshire.
Charlotte Sims was listed on the same page of marriages.

1906, December Quarter, District Havant, Vol 2b, Page 374:
Birth of Ivy Evelyn Combers

1906, December Quarter, District Williton, Vol 5c, Page 229:
Birth of Ivy Elizabeth Coombes, daughter of William Charles Coombes and Lucy Greenslade Coombes formerly Medlon, on 21 September 1906 in Bicknoller, Somerset.

1906, December Quarter, District Alverstoke, Vol 2b, Page 537:
Birth of Ivy Irene Maud Coombes, daughter of William Charles Coombes and Nellie Harriet Coombes formerly Booth, on 13 October 1906 in Alverstoke, Hampshire.

See also:

Henry Birkett Coombes (b 1903)