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William Dumvill (c1740-1793)
Source Documents

last Will of John Dunville (1785-1851), dated 19 October 1850

I, John Dunville, of Richmond Lodge in the County of Down, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills, testaments and testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made -

I give devise and bequeath unto my dear Son William Dunville, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns all my property of every kind, both real and personal and wheresoever and howsoever situate which at my death I shall be seized or possessed of, or in anywise entitled to, to held by him and them upon the trusts and for the uses following, that is to say - In trust, (subject to the payment of my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses) to pay for my dear wife Anne Dumville a sum of Two Hundred pounds Sterling immediately after my decease in order to defray current expenses and also further to pay for an annuity or yearly the Sum of Five Hundred pounds Sterling, during her life, the said annuity to be paid in equal half yearly sums on the first days of May and November in every year, and the First half yearly gale to become due and be paid on whichever of those days shall occur first after my decease, and in further trust to permit my said dear Wife to enjoy during her life the uncontrolled use of my house called Richmond Lodge free from rent, with all the furniture, plate, linen, books, and similar matters therein, and also my horses, carriages, cars and any and every other conveyance which I shall have at my decease. And I further give and bequeath to my dear Daughter Sarah Dunville the sum of Six Thousand Pounds Sterling, free from legacy duty, the sum to be invested for her by my said Son in whatever way she herself may direct - I further give and bequeath to my dear Grandson Robert Grimshaw Dunville the sum of One Thousand Pounds Sterling, and to my dear Grand-daughter Annie Dunville Junr the sum of One Thousand Pounds Sterling, but neither of these sums is to be payable or carry interest until after the death of my wife, after which event interest shall be allowed upon both said sums until they are paid, and the interest upon each legacy is to accumulate during the minority of the person entitled thereunto and each legacy is to be invested by my said son in such security or in such manner as he himself may think fit. And I direct that after my wife's decease, each of said legacies shall be paid to my said Grandchildren as they respectively attain the age of twenty one years; but if either of them dies under that age his or her legacy shall go to my said son William and my Daughter Sarah to be divided share and share alike between them, and if both die under the age of twenty one years then the said two sums of One Thousand Pounds Sterling each shall in like manner go to my son William and my daughter Sarah to be divided share and share alike between them. I further give and bequeath a yearly sum of Twenty Five Pounds Sterling, to be paid to my Niece Catherine K Taws, of Philadelphia N.J., during her life the same to be paid on the first day of November in every year.

To my dear son William I give devise and bequeath all the rest and residue of my property of every kind, to be enjoyed by him his heirs, executors and administrators for his and their own use and benefit - And lastly I nominate and appoint my said son William sole executor of this my last will and testament - In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand and set my seal this Nineteenth day of October, One thousand eight hundred & fifty 1850.

John Dunville

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the Testator as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who have set our names as witnesses hereunto, at his request in the presence of the Testator and of each other.

J.G. Fawkner.
John Ballantine.
19 October 1850.

Compared with the original will this 17th day of April 1851.
J (?) Garrett

Prerogative Probate to be granted to Wm Dumville (sole Exor) 29 April 1851.
Mr. D. died 21st March 1851

property of William Dunville (1812-1874)

Statement of Particulars
of Lands in the Townland
of Ballymachan and Knocknagoney in
the County of Down, the property of
William Dunville Esqre.

Lot 1. held under David McCance Esquire by Indenture of Lease dated 28th. December 1847 for the term of 61 years from the 1st. November 1847 at the yearly rent of £200. This Lot contains 24:3:19 statute measure and upon it are situated the mansion house and lands of Richmond Lodge with the outhouses, gardens and ornamental grounds appertaining thereto. It is bounded on the south by the stream which divides the Townlands of Knocknagoney and Ballymachan.

Lot 2. held under Mr. Thomas McClure, M.P. by a Lease dated 31st. January 1848 for the term of 1000 years from the 1st. November 1847 at the yearly rent of £129:19:1½. This Lot contains 24:0:24 statute measure and has frontages both to the Belfast and Holywood Road and the Ballymachan Road. A portion of this let containing 13 acres statute measure has been sub-leased for the whole term at the yearly rent of £130 which is amply secured by the buildings of "Glaston" at present occupied by Mr. Patrick Ewing. Upon the north-western course of this lot is situated the new porters lodge recently erected by Mr. Dunville.

Lot 3. held under Colonel Garner partly in fee form and by lease for 999 years from 1st. May 1855 at the total yearly rent of £45. This lot contains 8:2:30 statute measure and lies to the East of Lot 2. It has frontages to the old Holywood Road and the Ballymachan Road.

Lot 4. held partly under Colonel Garner and partly under Thomas McClure Esqre. M.P. in fee form and by lease for 10000 years at the total yearly rent of £90. This lot contains 28:0:15 and lies between the main Road from Belfast to Holywood and the line of the Belfast Holywood and Bangor Railway. It is at present used as arable ground and is thoroughly drained and in a high state of cultivation. It is intersected from east to west by a good accommodation Road and by a passage connecting the main entrance to Richmond Lodge with the Glenmachan Railway Station.

The entire premises contain 85:2:8 statute measure subject primarily to the yearly rent of £464:19:1½, but deducting the portion sublet there remains in possession 72:2:8 subject to the yearly rent of £334:19:1½.

application for the administration of the estate of Mary Dunville (1817-1863), dated June 1871


The District Registry at Belfast In Her Majesty's Court of Probate.

In the Goods of Mary Dunville Widow Deceased Intestate. I, Robert Grimshaw Dunville of Redburn in the County of Down and of Belfast in the County of Antrim Esquire aged twenty one years and upwards make Oath and say, that my mother Mary Dunville late of Longwood near Whitehouse in the County of Antrim Deceased, died Intestate a widow leaving myself and my sister Anne Dunville Junior now the wife of Colonel Samuel Charles Spalding Evans Gordon ... of the City of Dublin her lawful children and only next of kin her surviving and I am the lawful son and one of the next of kin of the said deceased that I will well and faithfully Administer the Personal Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, by paying her just debts, and distributing the Residue of said Estate and Effects according to law.

That I will exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said Estate and Effects, and render a just and true account thereof, whenever required by Law so to do, that the said deceased died at Longwood aforesaid on the fifteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, and that the said deceased had at the time of her death, a fixed place of abode at Longwood aforesaid within the District of Belfast aforesaid and that the whole of the personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased does not amount in value to the sum of one hundred Pounds, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Sworn at Belfast in the County of Antrim this day of June 1871 by the said Robert Grimshaw Dunville before me, a Commissioner for administering oaths in Chancery in Ireland in and for said County and I know Deponent

application for the administration of the estate of John Dunville (1814-1841), dated 1871


The District Registry at Belfast In Her Majesty's Court of Probate.

In the Goods of John Dunville, junior Deceased Intestate. I, Robert Grimshaw Dunville of Numbers 9, 11 and 16 Alfred Street in the County of Antrim and of Redburn in the Co Down aged twenty one years and upwards make Oath and say, that my father John Dunville Junior late of Richmond Lodge Belfast in the County of Down, Esquire Deceased, died Intestate a married man, leaving his lawful widow and relict Mary Dunville, since deceased, and myself and my sister Anne Dunville Junior now the wife of Colonel Samuel Charles Spalding Evans Gordon ... Royal Hospital ... of the City of Dublin, his lawful and only children and next of kin her surviving and I am the lawful son and one of the next of kin of the said John Dunville Junior deceased that I will well and faithfully Administer the Personal Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, by paying his just debts, and distributing the Residue of said Estate and Effects according to law.

That I will exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said Estate and Effects, and render a just and true account thereof, whenever required by Law so to do, that the said deceased died at Belfast aforesaid on the fifteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty one, and that the said deceased had at the time of his death, a fixed place of abode at Richmond Lodge aforesaid within the District of Belfast aforesaid and that the whole of the personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased does not amount in value to the sum of six thousand Pounds, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Sworn at Belfast in the County of Antrim this day of 1871 by the said Robert Grimshaw Dunville before me, a Commissioner for administering oaths in Chancery in Ireland in and for said County and I know deponent

draft indenture to release William Dunville (1812-1874) from payment of an annuity, dated 1871

Date the     day of     1871
EM Anderson to W Dunville Esqr Draft Release
... made 1 June 71
L'Estrange & Brett

This Indenture made the     day of     1871
Between Elizabeth Mary Anderson of
in the county of
of the one part and William Dunville of No 37 Eaton Square in the City of London Esq. of the other part Whereas Sarah Dunville, late of Richmond Lodge in the County of Down Spinster Deceased duly made and executed her last Will and Testament dated the 2d day of March 1861 and thereby devised & bequeathed unto her Brother the said Wm Dunville all her property of every kind and description upon the trusts therein mentioned and amongst others to pay to the said Elizabeth Mary Anderson a yearly sum of £10 Stg during her life as therein mentioned and said Testator appointed her said Brother William Dunville and Her Mother Executor and Executrix of her Will and Whereas the said Sarah Dunville afterwards died without altering or revoking her Will and same was afterwards proved by the said Mr Dunville in the Court of Prerogative in Ireland [Anne Dumville the Mother of the said Sarah Dunville having …] and Probate thereof obtained forth of said Court on the 14 day of July 1863 and Whereas the said Anne Dunville is since deceased and Whereas the said Wm Dunville has duly and regularly paid to the said E.M Anderson the said annuity as she doth hereby acknowledge And Whereas the said Wm Dunville is desirous of being released from future payment of said Annuity And has accordingly proposed to the said E M Anderson to pay her the sum of £400 in full discharge & satisfaction of all future payments of the said annuity which shall acccrue during the life of the said E M Anderson & in consideration of the said E.M. Anderson executing to him the said W Dunville a good and valid release and discharge of and from the payment of said Annuity, which the said E.M Anderson hath consented and And agreed to do Now this Indenture … that in pursuance of the said Agreement and in consideration of the Sum of £400 to the said EM Anderson in hand Well and truly paid by the said W Dunville the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged She the said E M Anderson doth by these presents for ever acquit release and discharge from the said W. Dunville as such exor as of his … all and singular the estate and effects of her the said Sarah Dunville deceased of and from the payment of the said annuity of £10 Stg so given and bequeathed to her the said E M Anderson during her life in and by the heretofore … Will of the said Sarah Dunville deceased and of and from all arrears thereof and of and from all & all manner of action & actions suit and suits cause and causes of action and suit claims and demands whatsoever of her the said E M Anderson for or on account thereof or in anywise relating thereto.
In witness &c

summary of the Will of William Dunville (1812-1874)


28 July
[172] Effects in Ireland £168,808 4s 11d

William Dunville formerly of Richmond Lodge County Down and 37 Eaton-square County Middlesex and late of 54 Prince's Gate County Middlesex and of South Warren Kingston-hill County Surrey Esquire. Died 18 May 1874. Probate granted herein from Principal Registry London 3 July 1874. Resealed at Principal Registry Dublin.

summary of the will of Anne Georgina Dunville née Knox (1827-1886)
published in The Illustrated London News on 27 March 1886

The will (dated Jan. 1, 1881), with four codicils (dated Jan. 25, 1883; and July 1, Oct. 2, and Nov. 16, 1885), of Mrs. Anne Georgina Dunville, late of No. 54, Prince's-gate, who died on Jan. 8 last, was proved on the 22nd ult. by William Henry Domville and John Copley Wray, two of the executors, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards of £167,000. The testatrix bequeaths an annuity of £1200 to her mother, for life, and then to her father, if he survives, for his life; £8000, upon trust, for her sister Mrs. Charlotte Batt, for life, and then to her daughters, Alice Elizabeth and Mabel; £4000 to her niece Mrs. Duthie; £2000 to each of the eight sons of her sister Mrs. Batt; £10,000, upon trust, for her sister Mrs. Agnes Isabella Greer, for life, and then for her daughters, Agnes Mary and Emily Charlotte; £9000 to each of her (testatrix's) last-named nieces in addition; there are further bequests in favour of her said relatives; and numerous pecuniary and specific bequests to other of her own and some of her late husband's relatives, servants, and others. She also bequeaths £1000 to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, to place and keep a life-boat on some part of the coast of Ireland, to be called "The William Dunville"; £200 to the Girls' Public Day Schools Company, Limited; £100 to be distributed among the poor of Belfast, and a like sum among the poor of Holywood;-and £50 each to the Industrial School, Frederick-street, Belfast; the Ladies' Institute, Belfast; the Irish Clergy's Sons' School, Dublin; and the Irish Clergy's Daughters' School, Dublin. The residue of her real and personal estate she leaves to her nephew, Joseph Henry Greer.

excerpt from 'North Sea Bubbles', written and illustrated by Robert Grimshaw Dunville (1838-1910)

Of goodly lines and build was she,
Her size in tons 'three forty three'

Then Captain Bond so staunch and true
His mates, his boatswain and the crew -
Twenty-five hands on board, all hearty -
Were joined from Redburn by our party.

The Irishman, his wife and son,
John Harrison and Arthur Dunn,
Miss Fowler, too, of Rahinstown
In hunting field of great renown.


'North Sea Bubbles' relates the story of a voyage in about 1891 of a steam yacht, the 'Black Pearl', which belonged to a friend of Robert Grimshaw Dunville and was moored at Cultra on Belfast Lough. 'The Irishman, his wife and son' would have been Robert Grimshaw Dunville, his wife Jeannie and their son John Dunville Dunville.

Birth Certificate for Robert Lambart Dunville (1893-1931)

1893 Birth in the Sub-district of May Fair in the County of London
No. 102
1. When and where born Eighteenth February 1893 6 Green Street Park Lane
2. Name, if any
3. Sex Boy
4. Name and surname of father John Dunville Dunville
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Violet Anne Blanche Dunville formerly Lambart
6. Occupation of father Private Secretary
7. Signature, description and residence of informant Dord O'Brien present at the birth 6 Park Road Camberley Surrey
8. When registered Twenty Fourth March 1893
9. Signature of registrar H.G. Holland Registrar
10. Name entered after registration Robert Lambart

Birth Certificate for John Spencer Dunville (1896-1917)

Registration District of Marylebone
1896 Birth in the Sub-district of All Souls in the County of London
No. 461
1. When and where born Seventh May, 1896 46, Portland Place
2. Name, if any John Spencer
3. Sex Boy
4. Name and surname of father John Dunville Dunville
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Violet Anne Blanche Dunville formerly Lambert
6. Occupation of father Secretary to The Lord President of the Council
7. Signature, description and residence of informant J.D. Dunville Father 46 Portland Place Marylebone
8. When registered Fourth November 1897 on the Authority of the Registrar General
9. Signature of registrar J. Claxton Registrar
John W. Avery Deputy Superintendent Registrar
10. Name entered after registration

Birth Certificate for William Gustavus Dunville (1900-1956)

Registration District of Marylebone
1900 Birth in the Sub-district of All Souls in the County of London
No. 282
1. When and where born Twelfth June 1900 46 Portland Place
2. Name, if any William Gustavus
3. Sex Boy
4. Name and surname of father John Dunville Dunville
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Violet Anne Blanche Dunville formerly Lambart
6. Occupation of father Of Independent Means
7. Signature, description and residence of informant J.D. Dunville Father 46 Portland Place W.
8. When registered Tenth October 1900
9. Signature of registrar J. Claxton Registrar
Henry T. Dudman Superintendent Registrar
10. Name entered after registration

1901 Census Information for 46 Portland Place, St Marylebone, London

Name Relation
to Head
of Family
as to
Age last
Profession or
Where Born
John D
Head Married 34 Living On
Own Means
Violet A B
Wife Married 39
Robert L

St Georges H Sq
William G

St Marylebone
John S

St Marylebone
Emma K
Servant Single 43 Nurse
Servant Single 19 Nurse
Servant Single 34 Cook
Servant Single 17 Kitchenmaid
Forest Hill
Servant Single 22 Housemaid
Susan A
Servant Single 21 Housemaid
Servant Single 33 Ladys Maid
Servant Single 39 Butler
Servant Married 27 Footman
Servant Single 23 Footman
Gt Yarmouth
Servant Single 18 Hall Boy
Servant Single 18 Kitchenmaid

In the 1901 Census for County Down, Parliamentary Division North Down, Poor Law Union Belfast, District Electoral Division Ballyhackamore, Townland Knocknagoney, Parish Holywood, Robert G. Dunville (1838-1910) was the Landholder of the houses numbered 37, 38, 42, 44 to 54, and 57.

Birth Certificate for Una Dunville (1903-1958)

Registration District of Marylebone
1903 Birth in the Sub-district of All Souls in the County of London
No. 144
1. When and where born Twenty second February 1903 46 Portland Place
2. Name, if any Una
3. Sex Girl
4. Name and surname of father John Dunville Dunville
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Violet Anne Blanche Dunville formerly Lambart
6. Occupation of father Private Secretary to the Lord President of the Council
7. Signature, description and residence of informant J.D. Dunville Father 46 Portland Place W.
8. When registered Twenty third March 1903
9. Signature of registrar J. Claxton Registrar
10. Name entered after registration

1911 Census Information for house 4 in Knocknagoney, Co. Down [Redburn House]
Jeannie/Jeanie Dunville née Chaine (1842-1914), her son John Dunville Dunville (1866-1929), her nephew John Claud Brownrigg (b 1878), her niece Kathleen Winifred Brownrigg (b c1877), and her servants.

Name and
Relation to
Head of Family
Age (last
Rank, Profession,
or Occupation
as to Marriage
Where Born
Jeanie Dunville Head Church of Ireland 68 Dividends and interest of money and farmer Widow (married 45 years, 1 child) Co. Antrim
John Dunville Dunville Son Church of Ireland 44 Company Director Married (19 years, 4 children) Co. Down
John Claud Brownrigg Nephew Church of Ireland 32 Company Director Bachelor Co. Londonderry
Kathleen Winifred Brownrigg Niece Church of Ireland 34
Spinster Co. Wicklow
George Judge Servant Church of Ireland 38 Butler Married (17 years, 6 children) Northampton
George Bennett Servant Church of Ireland 25 Footman Single Co. Cavan
Alexander Clark Servant Presbyterian 19 Hall Boy Single Belfast
Arthur Sheen Servant Church of England 26 Footman Single London
Annie Allen Mulvana Servant Roman Catholic 22 Housemaid Single Co. Antrim
Sara McCallum Servant Church of Ireland 37 Housemaid Single Co. Antrim
Mary McQuillan Servant Roman Catholic 20 Housemaid Single Glasgow
Sara Robinson Servant Church of Ireland 21 Kitchen Maid Single Co. Tyrone
Elizabeth Tolly Servant Presbyterian 45 House Keeper Single Forfarshire
Mary Jane Harper Servant Church of Ireland 22 Ladies' Maid Single Co. Fermanagh
Elizabeth Henderson Boyd Servant Presbyterian 21 Scullery Maid Single Co. Antrim
Education (all): Read & Write

In the 1911 Census, Jeanie Dunville (1842-1914) was the Landholder of the houses numbered 2 to 13.

1911 Census Information for 46 Portland Place, St Marylebone, London

Name Relation
to Head
of Family
as to
Age last
Profession or
Where Born
Emily Blanche Atkinson Servant Single 33

letter dated 7 April 1915 written by John Spencer Dunville (1896-1917)

Cavalry Barracks
7 - 4 -15

5th Res Cav

Dear Sir,
I will feel highly honoured if you will accept this letter of application for attachment to the Royal Flying Corps. My mind has always been directed towards engineering, partly through my Father's association with "Ballooning" and partly owing to the fact, that I am keenly interested in motors and motoring. I do not wish to be disassociated with the Regiment; hence my reason for asking for an 'attachment' and not a 'transferance'.
If you will be so good to put my case before the recognised authorities I will esteem it a great favour.
I have the honour to be - 'Sir'

Yr obedient servant -
J.S. Dunville 2nd. Lt 5th Res Cav

report dated 19 April 1915 on the health of Robert Lambart Dunville

Proceedings of a Medical Board assembled at The Military Hospital, Cottonera, Malta on the 19th April, 1915 by order of The Deputy Director of Medical Services, Malta Command for the purpose of examining and reporting upon the present state of health of Lieut. R.L. Dunville, Royal Bucks. Hussars

The board having assembled pursuant to order, proceed to examine the above-named officer and find that he has just recovered from an attack of acute appendicitis. In view of the probability of a further attack the Board recommend that he be given the opportunity of returning to England to have appendicectomy performed.

In view of the probable accession of wounded the Board think it to be undesirable to occupy a bed in this Hospital for the time necessary for a case of this class.

Every month a Medical Board examined and reported on the health of Robert Lambart Dunville. The Medical Board was assembled at Caxton Hall, London S.W. on 20 May 1915, at Belfast on 15 June 1915 and at Oxford on 15 July 1915. The Medical Board which assembled on 11 September 1915 stated 'This officer has completely recovered'.

letter dated 7 July 1915 concerning John Spencer Dunville's application to be attached to the Royal Flying Corps

The Officer Commanding, Administrative Wing, Royal Flying Corps, South Farnborough

2nd Lieutenant J.S. Dunville, 5th Reserve Regiment of Cavalry. Joyce Green, 12th July 1915

I am directed to inform you that instructions are being issued for the marginally named officer to join as specified, for instruction in aviation.

Sd (Signed) H.P.R. Coode Captain, for Deputy Director of Military Aeronautics.

letter dated 9 July 1915 concerning John Spencer Dunville's application to be attached to the Royal Flying Corps

The Officer Commanding, Administrative Wing, Royal Flying Corps, South Farnborough

2nd Lieutenant J.S. Dunville, 5th Reserve Regiment of Cavalry

With reference to War Office Letter, dated 7th July 1915, I am directed to inform you that the orders for the marginally named officer to join at Joyce Green on 12th July 1915 for instruction in aviation have been cancelled.

Sd (Signed) H.P.R. Coode Captain, for Deputy Director of Military Aeronautics.

report on the wound sustained by Robert Lambart Dunville on 24 April 1916

Proceedings of a medical board assembled by order of the Major General i/c Irish Command for the purpose of examining and reporting on the present state of a wound or injury sustained by 2nd. Lieut. R.L. Dunville, 5th Grenadier Guards at Castlebellingham on the 24th April 1916.

The Board find that this officer was travelling to Dublin by motor on the 24th April when arriving at Castlebellingham he was arrested by a body of rebels, & placed against a Railing with four 'constables' of the R.J.C. & his chauffeur & his ..., detained for about 5 minutes when he was shot ... about half an hour later when he was taken to the Military Hospital at ... On examination by ... it was found that the bullet had entered ... He was detained in the Military Hospital ... for 10 days. Was then transferred to Military Hospital ... from where he was discharged to his .. May 10th 1916

1920 Birth Certificate of Patricia Iona Violet Everard née Dunville (1920-1961), daughter of Robert Lambart Dunville (1893-1931)

Registration District St. Marylebone
1920 Birth in the Sub-district of St Mary in the County of London
No. 63
1. When and where born Twentyeighth February 1920
2, Albert Mansions
2. Name, if any Patricia Iona Violet
3. Sex Girl
4. Name and surname of father Robert Lambart Dunville
5. Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Evelyn Redfern formerly Buckley
6. Occupation of father Late Captain Grenadier Guards
7. Signature, description and residence of informant R.L. Dunville Father
E. Redfern Mother,
2 Albert Mansions, Northumberland Street, St Marylebone
8. When registered Ninth March 1920
9. Signature of registrar S. Billings Deputy Registrar

This birth certificate was kindly provided by Kim Garner.

[1921] List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United…
All Aliens arriving at a port of continental United States from a foreign port or a port of the insular possessions of the United States, and all aliens arriving at a port of said insular possessions from a foreign port, a port of continental United…
This (pink) sheet is for the listing of…

S.S. "Aquitania". Passengers sailing from Southampton, 2 April 1921
No. on List. 28
Family name. Dunville
Given name. William
Age. 20 Years. 10 Months.
Married or single. S
Calling or occupation. Mechanic Marine Engineering
Nationality. (Country of which citizen or subject.) Great Britain
Race or people. Irish
*Last permanent residence. Canada, Niagara Falls
The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came. Mother. Mrs Dunville. 46 Portland Place. London. WC
Final destination. (*Intended future permanent residence.) State, City or town. N Y, New York

* Permanent residence within the meaning of this manifest shall be actual or intended residence of one year or more.

1922 Marriage Certificate for William Gustavus Dunville (1900-1956) and Ruth Glover

Registration District of St. Marylebone
1922. Marriage Solemnized at Trinity Church, in the Parish of St. Marylebone in the County of London
No. 274
1. When Married 23rd March 1922
2. Name and Surname William Gustavus Dunville Ruth Glover
3. Age 21 21
4. Condition Bachelor Spinster
5. Rank or Profession Gentleman
6. Residence at the time of Marriage 46 Portland Place 46 Portland Place
7. Father's Name and Surname John Dunville Dunville Samuel Glover (deceased)
8. Rank or Profession of Father C.B.E. [Commander of the Order of the British Empire] Engineer
Married in the Parish Church of Trinity according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Licence by me, Chas. L. Thornton-Duesbery, Rector. This Marriage was solemnized between us, William Gustavus Dunville, Ruth Glover in the Presence of us, John Dunville, Randolph J. Corbet
published in The Times, 8 April 1930
Court Circular

Mrs. Dunville, widow of Wing-Commander John Dunville, C.B.E., R.A.F., has left 46, Portland-place, W., for 76, Portland-place, W., which will be her future London address.

report dated 16 April 1943 on the Will of Violet Anne Blanche Dunville née Lambart (1861-1940)

Mrs. Violet Dunville,of Redburn, Holywood, who died at Lower Crescent, Belfast, on March 7, 1940, widow of John Dunville, left personal estate valued at £196,569 5s 9d.

She appointed her marriage settlement funds to her son William and left * to Lady Lambart, * to Sir Oliver Lambart, * each to Sir Richard D. Bates, Lady Constance Gore, Maureen Dunville, and Frances Marchioness of Conyngham; * to "my sporting friend, and huntsman of Meath Hounds," William Fitzsimons; £200 each to the Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution; £500 each to Dr. Clive Pitt and her friend, Canon Manning; £200 to her friend, Mai Rafferty.

Other bequests were - £500 to Holywood Parish Church to found a John Spencer Dunville, V.C., Trust to make gifts on Armistice Day; £500 to Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast; £100 each to the Mater Infirmorum Hospital; Navan Infirmary, and Paynaston Church, Beau Parc, Co. Meath.


* sum not disclosed on this website

report on the Charitable Bequests made in the Will of Violet Anne Blanche Dunville née Lambart (1861-1940)

In the Goods of VIOLET DUNVILLE, late of Redburn, Holywood, in the County of Down, Widow, Deceased.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the statute 30 and … Vic., Cap. 54, Sec. 19, that the above-named Violet Dunville died on the 7th March, 1940, having made her Will, dated the 9th day of May, 1938, whereby she bequeathed the following Charitable Bequests:-
To the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast £500
To the Mater lnfirmorum Hospital, Belfast £100
To the Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital (Craigavon Branch) £200
To the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (such money to be spent solely in Northern Ireland) £200
To Navan Infirmary £100
To the Representative Body of the Church of Ireland, the income of which is to be used for the upkeep of Paynaston Church, Beau Parc, Co. Meath £100
I bequeath the sum of £500 (free of all death duties) to my Trustees (to form a fund to be known as the John Spencer Dunville, V.C., Trust) in trust to invest the same and pay the income thereof to the Rector and Churchwardens for the time being of Holywood Parish Church, to be applied by them in their sole discretion to making a gift on each Armistice Day amongst ex-Servicemen or their dependants or the poor of the Parish of Holywood, and I request that the said Rector and Churchwardens will place a wreath on each Armistice Day in the form of a Victoria Cross upon the War Memorial in memory of my son, John Spencer Dunville, V.C.

Probate of said Will was, on the 25th day of March, 1943, granted forth of the Principal Registry of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate) to John Claude Brownrigg, of 149, Malone Road, Gentleman, and Sir Richard Dawson Bates of 2, Arthur Street, Solicitor, both of Belfast, the Executors named in the said Will.

Dated this 10th day of May, 1943.
E. & R. D. BATES, Solicitor for the Executors, 2, Arthur Street, Belfast.

To the Ministry of Finance, Stormont, Belfast and all others whom it may concern.

1958 Death Certificate for Una Dunville (1903-1958)

Registration District Middlesex South
1958 Death in the Sub-district of Twickenham in the County of Middlesex
No. 21
1. When and where died Twenty eighth September 1958 Normansfield Teddington
2. Name and surname Una Dunville
3. Sex Female
4. Age 55 years
5. Occupation of no occupation Spinster daughter of John Dunville (occupation unknown) (deceased)
6. Cause of death I. Influenzal tracheobronchitis II. Chronic duodenal ulcer. Certified by H.G. Broadbridge, Coroner for County of Middlesex after Post Mortem without inquest
7. Signature, description and residence of informant N. Langdon Down Occupier Normansfield Teddington
8. When registered First October 1958
9. Signature of registrar D.L. Folkes Registrar

Dr. Norman Langdon-Down, who was the informant on Una Dunville's death certificate, was the Physician Superintendent of Normansfield Hospital. He was the grandson of Dr. John Haydon Langdon-Down, who had been the first physician to recognise Down's Syndrome as a condition and after whom Down's Syndrome was named. Dr. John Haydon Langdon-Down had founded Normansfield Hospital in 1868 as a private home for the 'care, education and treatment of those of good social position who present any degree of mental deficiency'. It was purchased by the National Health Service in 1951 and closed in 1997.

published in the News Letter on 4 March 1971
(presumably the Belfast News Letter)

Until I saw a copy of "North Sea Bubbles" the name of Dunville conveyed to me little more than overtones of whiskey and a rather dreary park near the Victoria Hospital, while Bergen recalled only a Norwegian airport where my friend Kennedy and I spent 20 minutes about a dozen years ago in one of the most fleeting visits ever paid by a pair of journalists to any country on which they were seeking the lowdown.

The Scandinavian material gathered during that one third of an hour has not yet been ... and digested but one of these days it will appear under the title of what else - "Inside Norway." When it does it may well be ... by some of the information in "North Sea Bubbles," the author of which spent a bit longer among the fjords.

I am indebted to Mr. J. A. Faulkner, chairman of the Ulster Savings Committee, for the loan of this book which was handsomely printed for private circulation by Marcus Ward & Co. Ltd., of Belfast.

Romantic verse

It is by R. G. Dunville who was chairman of the board of directors of Messrs Dunville & Co., a well-known firm of Belfast distillers in its day, and it consists of two cantos celebrating the cruise of the Black Pearl, a steam yacht out of the Royal North of Ireland club at Cultra together with a romantic tale in verse entitled "The Norseman Pilot's Song." As well as writing the verses Dunville illustrated it with sketches made by him on the spot and photographs.

The author, who died in 1910 at the age of 73, lived at Redburn in Holywood - "Twenty-five hands on board, all hearty Were joined from Redburn by our party" - and before entering the family business he spent some time in the office of the architect Sir Charles Lanyon.

He became a member of the Liberal Party in the 1860s but when Gladstone evolved his Home Rule policy he chose to be a Liberal Unionist. He was an original member of the Reform Club and the president at one time.

No clue

At Redburn he entertained lavishly, among his guests being the Duke of Devonshire. Dunville Park was presented by him to the city. I believe also that Distillery Football Club owes its name to his business.

There is no clue in the book to the date of the cruise of the Black Pearl - "her size in tons three forty-three." The Redburn party is listed "The Irishman, his wife and son (probably the Dunvilles), John Harrison and Arthur Dunn, Miss Fowler, too, of Rahinstown in hunting field of great renown." The author was himself a keen huntsman and his son John was an intrepid balloonist.


This newspaper cutting was provided by Terry Thompson.

published in the Belfast News Letter on 12 December 1974

Dunville is back

One of the great names in whisky returned to the Ulster scene yesterday after 38 years.

Dunville's was first established in 1808 as Napier and Dunville, later to become John Dunville and Co. They were whisky blenders who bought spirits from various small distillers but in 1869 the company extended and built a large distillery in Belfast.

Then, at the turn of the century, the company further expanded and bought over the Bladnoch distillery in Scotland to become the largest distilling company in the UK. During the depression in the 1930s, the whisky market looked bleak and in 1936 the directors decided to liquidate the company while it was still financially sound.

Now the name of Dunville and Co. has been re-registered with offices at Gordon Street, Belfast.

See also:

William Dumvill (c1740-1793)