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John Lees (c1802-1856)

Anne Bond Dumville (1806-1856), the second wife of John Lees, is a granddaughter of William Dumville of Chelford (1722-1779).

Two family Bibles were given to Jill Holroyd by Mr. Michael Luxmoore. One of them, printed in 1827, contains handwritten notes of births, christenings, marriages, deaths and burials. The birth on 24 December 1878 of Michael Luxmoore’s grandmother, Lucy Luxmoore Dumville Lees, is recorded in the handwritten notes. She changed her name to Lucy Luxmoore as a condition to inherit some land in the West Country, and her husband adopted the surname too. The family trees below were derived from the handwritten notes in the Bible.

The other family Bible, printed in 1839, contains the handwritten inscription "Arthur Wm Dumville the gift of his very dear sister Anne Jany 13th 1841". We think these people are Arthur Williamson Dumville (b c1812) [99M], a surgeon who lived in Oswestry, and his sister Anne Bond Dumville (1806-1856) [97F].

John Lees (c1802-1856) (First Marriage)

John Lees
b c1802
d 1.12.1856
at Woodhill
near Oswestry
= (1)
Old Church
Ann Drydale
b c1810
d 26.3.1839
at Ashton
Mary Emma
b 12.3.1830
at Ashton
d 6.3.1835
at Ashton
Ellen Lees
b 8.12.1831
at Ashton
d 3.11.1853
at Ashton
John Drydale
b 18.8.1833
at Ashton
d 31.5.1839
at Ashton

John Lees (c1802-1856) (Second Marriage)

John Lees
b c1802
d 1.12.1856
at Woodhill
near Oswestry
= (2)
Old Church
Anne Bond
of Higher
d 4.1.1856
Bangor Iscoed
at Chester
Annie Dumville
b 3.3.1847
baptized at
Bangor Iscoed
m 1.3.1870
H Hilton Jones
George John
Dumville Lees
b 8.6.1848
baptized at
Bangor Iscoed
m 1.8.1871
at Llanymynech
Anne Dove
(daughter of
John Luxmoore)
Lucy Mary Lees
b 26.10.1849
baptized at
Bangor Iscoed
d 10.3.1850
interred at
Bangor Iscoed
and interred
with her mother
at Chester
John H Hilton
b Dec 1870,
Arthur Dumville
Annie Hilton,
Nesta Hilton
Randle Hilton
Ann Dumville
b 8.8.1873
at Trefonen
Sydney Dove
b 18.7.?
at Trefonen
d 20.3.1925?
Lucy Luxmoore
Dumville Lees
b 24.12.1878
John Dumville
b 18.9.1881
d April 1931
Arthur Compton
Dumville Lees
b 28.6.1887
d 3.9.1919

Transcript of the Handwritten Notes in the Bible

Ann Drydale

John Lees and Ann Drydale married Jany. 15th. 1829 at the Old Church at Manchester

Mary Emma their Daughter born March 12th. 1830. 10 o. Clock at night and christened at Ashton May 28th. 1830. by the Revd. J. Hextall.

Ellen their Daughter born Thursday Dec 8th. 1831. 9. o. Clock. AM and christened at Ashton Parish Church Jany. 5th. 1832. by the Revd. H. Allkin

John Drydale born Sunday August 18th. 1833. 11. o. Clock A.M. and christened at Ashton Parish Church Feby. 9th. 1834. by the Revd. M. Handforth
No. of Register 991, Page 124.

John Lees married August 1st. 1844 at the Old Church Manchester to Anne Bond Dumville of Higher Ardwick Manchester

Annie Dumville their Daughter born March 3rd. 1847 11 o clock P.M. and christened at Bangor Iscoed Flintshire by the Revd. Geo. Marsh M.A. Rector May 10th. 1847.

George John Dumville Lees their Son Born Thursday June 8th. 1848 at ¼ Before 12. P.M. and christened at Bangor Iscoed Flintshire by the Revd. Geo. Marsh M.A. Rector on the 11th. of July 1848.

Lucy Mary born October 26th. 1849 at half after 12. o Clock P.M. and christened at Bangor Church Iscoed on the 28th of Novr. by the Revd. Geo. Marsh M.A. Rector

Annie Wife of John Lees obiit March 26th. 1839 at 1 o Clock in the Morning and was interred in the family Vault. Ashton April 1st. by the Revd. T.R.Bently died in her 29th. year

Mary Emma obiit March 6th. 1835. at 10 o. Clock in the evening and was interred in the same Churchyard Ashton-under-Lyne. March 12th. 1835 by the Revd. G. Bower cause of Death water in the Head.

Ellen obiit Novr. 3rd 1853 & was interred in the family Vault Novr. 9 by the Revd. J Moor(?) cause of Death Apoplexy

John Drydale Lees obiit May 31st. 1839 at 2 o. Clock in the morning and was interred in St. Peters Church Ashton-under-Lyne June 5th. by the Revd. Thos. R. Bently B.A. cause of Death water in the Head

Anne 2nd. Wife of John Lees, died at the Gerwyen? in the Parish of Bangor Iscoed near Wrexham in the County of Denbighshire, at ¾ past one o’clock, on the morning of the 4th. January 1856 and was interred in the Cemetry at Chester, on the 11th. day of the same month:- Her child Lucy Mary, was disinterred at Bangor Iscoed Church, and buried with her in the same vault.

The Vault above referred to is No. 1756 and is to be found on Page 147 of the Register of Graves at the Chester General Cemetry:

Lucy Mary died March 10th. 1850 aged 4 months and three weeks at 4 o Clock in the Morning and was interred in Revd. G. Marsh’s Vault March (?) Bangor Iscoed

John Lees died at Woodhill near Oswestry on December the 1st. 1856 Born 1805

George John Dumville Lees Married Anne Dove Luxmoore youngest daughter of the (?) John Luxmoore Llanymynech August 1st. 1871

Annie Dumville Lees Married 1st. March 1870 to H(?) Hilton Jones. (?)(?)

John H(?) Hilton born Dec 1870

Ann Dumville Lees born August 8th. 1873 at 8.30 in the evening christened by the Revd. David Lloyd at Trefonen
Sydney Dove Dumville born ¼ to five July 18th at ¼ past 5 in the morning Christened at Trefonen Church by the Revd. David R(?)Jones Evans.
Lucy Luxmoore Dumville born Dec 24th. at 11.15 a.m. 1878
John Dumville born 18 Sept 23 1881 Died April 1931
Arthur Compton S(?) Dumville born June 28 at 2.30 am 1887
Arthur Dumville Hilton. Gwendoline Annie Hilton. Gladys Dorothy Hilton. Nesta Hilton Randle Hilton Charles C(?) Dumville-Lees died Sep 3rd. 1919. Sydney(?) Dove Dumville-Lees died 20 March 1925(?)


Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire
Bangor Iscoed: Bangor-Is-y-Coed, Flintshire
Higher Ardwick, Manchester
Llanymynech, Montgomeryshire, Shropshire
Oswestry, Shropshire
Trefonen, Shropshire
Wrexham, Denbighshire

obiit: died

The spellings of the surnames of some of the priests who carried out baptisms and interments at Ashton-under-Lyne were given to us by Hilary Blair and Reg Fisher, the Verger of St. Michael and All Angels, Ashton-Under-Lyne.

On high ground to the north of Llanymynech, on the Offa's Dyke Path, there is a memorial dedicated to John Dumville Lees (1881-1931) (see photograph). The inscription on it reads "Restored to the memory of John Dumville Lees April 21st 1932". In the centre there is a hole into which a flagpole could be inserted. It is said that a flag was flown to impart agricultural information to the farmers, to tell them for example when to plant seeds or to cut their hay.

There is another family monument in the Trefonen, Shropshire churchyard, the only monument remaining after the churchyard was recently cleared, and dedicated to George John Dumville Lees (1848-1906). The inscriptions read "To the Glory of God in loving memory of George John Dumville Lees of Woodhill who died at Cricket Hill Farm Nov 22nd 1906, aged 58." and "From injuries sustained by jumping a fence containing barbed wire whilst hunting with the Tanat-Side Harriers, of which pack he had been master for 22 years. He was a true Christian with a deep love of God's animal world. R.I.P. Erected by his wife."

The photograph of the memorial, the transcripts of the inscriptions and the other information were provided by Giles H. Lees, who is a grandson of Arthur Compton Lethbridge Dumville Lees (1887-1961) and a great-grandson of George John Dumville Lees (1848-1906).

In April 2016 we received an e-mail message from David Lloyd, whose wife's grandmother, Elizabeth Williams née Mellor, was Nanny to Charles Cunningham Dumville Lees (1894-1919). Charles became a Royal Naval Officer and died when his destroyer, H.M.S. Verulam, was mined and sunk in the Gulf of Finland. Charles and Elizabeth corresponded until shortly before his death. David Lloyd and his wife have some of this correspondence and a photograph of Charles in his uniform. If any descendant of the Lees family would like this correspondence and the photograph, please contact us and we will forward your request to David.

John Dumville Lees Memorial
John Dumville Lees Memorial

See also:

William Dumville of Chelford (1722-1779), grandfather of Anne Bond Dumville (1806-1856)

William Lees, grandfather of John Lees (c1802-1856)