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Joseph Dumville (1819-1900)
Founder of Dumville & Son Brewing Co.

The brother who emigrated to the USA
photograph: Joseph Dumville (1819-1900)

Joseph Dumville

In 1851 Joseph and his brother John (1820-1900) sailed from England to an eastern Canadian seaport, and from there went by train to the Niagara peninsula. John remained in Canada, while Joseph crossed over to Lockport, USA.

In Lockport, Joseph established a successful brewery located at 153 Van Buren St, Lockport and was a prominent figure in the community. His son George later joined him in the brewery, which was called 'Dumville and Son Brewing Co' and later became Lockport Brewing Co. In 1865 he and George also became involved in a stave business (probably making barrel staves for beer barrels), and a boat business (Lockport is on the old New York Barge Canal, hence the interest in canal boats). Joseph lived at 363 Market St, Lockport, N.Y.

In Oct 1924 Joseph Dumville Jr (1851-1929) donated a memorial window to Christ Episcopal Church in memory of his father, Joseph Sr. It is a reproduction of a painting by William Holman Hunt depicting Christ, crowned with thorns and carrying a lantern in his hand, knocking on a vine covered door.

Joseph Sr is buried in Cold Springs Cemetery, Lockport, USA. There is a large Dumville monument, with markers for 'Father, Mother, 3 children and two of Joseph's five wives'. In Glenwood Cemetary is a monument to Joseph Jr, his son George and wife Harriet, Harry Charles (1877-1969), his wife Sue, and sister Annie, and son George (1912-1989)

From the Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Niagara County, New York, 1892

Joseph Dumville was reared on his father's farm, and received his education in the public and private schools of his neighbourhood. He came, in 1851, from England to New York, where he located in Lockport, this county, and two years later embarked in his present brewing business.

In 1845 Mr Dumville married Harriet Auton, who died in 1860, and left eight children, of whom but two are now living: Joseph, who married Eliza Mackey, and is engaged in the manufacture of shirts in Lockport; and Margaret, who is at home. For his second wife Mr Dumville married Eliza Davis, and after her death he wedded Amanda Thorne, who lived but a short time after marriage. In 1891 he united in marriage with Mrs Alissa (Forsythe) McQueen.

He is a democrat in politics, and served two years as an alderman of the city of Lockport. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, in which he is a warden. Mr Dumville rebuilt and enlarged his original lager beer factory, until it has assumed its present dimensions. It is situated on Chestnut Street, and amply fitted up for brewing purposes. His beer is carefully and properly made according to scientific principles. His factory is furnished throughout with all needed machinery and apparatus necessary for the systematic and successful conduct of the business. Mr Dumville has a large and increasing demand for his beer, and all orders are filled with the greatest care and promptness, while customers have the satisfaction of knowing that nothing inferior or adulterated will be sold them. His beer is principally sold in this county, and is of excellent quality. He has a beautiful and well-furnished home.


Joseph Dumville died Sunday afternoon, December 30th, 1900 at his residence, 363 Market Street, of heart failure, aged 81 years. Mr Dumville was born in Hunton, Yorkshire, England, March 16th 1819. In 1845 he married Harriet Auton, who died in 1860, and left eight children, of whom but two are now living, Joseph Dumville Jr of High Street, and Margaret D Gordon, wife of Hon Lewis P Gordon, of Park Place. He came to Lockport in 1851, where he has ever since resided. He was an energetic and successful businessman, and for a long time was engaged in brewing and in the stave and bolt business. He was a Member of Christ Episcopal Church, of which he was vestryman and warden for 36 years. He was a Democrat in politics and served for two years as alderman of the Second Ward.

He was an indulgent father, a kind neighbor and a genial member of society, and will be greatly missed by a large and appreciative circle of friends.

He is survived by his present wife, Eliza A., whom he married in November, 1897, one sister, Elizabeth Lawson, wife of Robert Lawson, of Hunton, Yorkshire, England, and the children already named.

Biography of Joseph Dumville

Joseph Dumville, the proprietor of Dumville's brewery on Chestnut street, Lockport, was born in Hunton, England, March 16, 1819, and is a son of Robert and Elizabeth (Johnson) Dumville. The male members of the Dumville family in England, for several generations back, were principally farmers, or engaged in some other agricultural pursuit. The paternal grandfather of Joseph Dumville was a farmer and life-long resident of England. He married, and reared a family of industrious sons and daughters, who settled in different parts of their native land. His son, Robert Dumville, father of the subject of this sketch, was born and reared on his father's farm, and carefully trained to all kinds of field labor and farm management. He followed farming for an occupation as long as he lived. He married, and his wife dying, he wedded for his second wife Elizabeth Johnson, by whom he had six children, five sons and one daughter: Joseph; John, a resident of St. Catharines, Canada; James (dead); Charles, now dead; Elizabeth, (Mrs. R. Lawson, Hunton, Yorkshire, England); and one son that died in infancy. Robert Dumville lived to reach the remarkable age of one hundred and five years, and when he died he was surrounded by his descendants of three generations.

Joseph Dumville was reared on his father's farm, and received his education in the public and private schools of his neighborhood. He came, in 1851, from England to New York, where he located in Lockport, this county, and two years later embarked in his present brewing business.

In 1845 Mr Dumville married Harriet Auton, who died in 1860, and left eight children, of whom but two are now living: Joseph, who married Eliza Mackey, and is engaged in the manufacture of shirts in Lockport; and Margaret, who married Lewis P. Gordon on January 1, 1895 at noon at her father's house by Reverend W.F. Faber. For his second wife Mr Dumville married Eliza Davis, who lived but a short time after marriage, and after her death he wedded Amanda Thorne. In 1891 he united in marriage with Mrs Alicia (Forsythe) McQueen and about 1900 he wedded Lide [Eliza] Thorne.

He is a democrat in politics, and served two years as an alderman of the city of Lockport. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, in which he is a warden. He has been an officer of Christ Church for thirty six years. Mr Dumville rebuilt and enlarged his original lager beer factory, until it has assumed its present dimensions. It is situated on Chestnut Street, and is amply fitted up for brewing purposes. His beer is carefully and properly made according to scientific principles. His factory is furnished throughout with all needed machinery and apparatus necessary for the systematic and successful conduct of the business. Mr Dumville has a large and increasing demand for his beer, and all orders are filled with the greatest care and promptness, while customers have the satisfaction of knowing that nothing inferior or adulterated will be sold them. His beer is principally sold in this county, and is of excellent quality. He has a beautiful and well furnished home.

He died December 30, 1900 at 2:15 P.M. of heart failure. The funeral was at home at 2:30 P.M. and he was buried January 1, 1901 at "Cold Springs".

In 1865 he purchased and operated a stave mill and bolt business for fourteen years.

He also owned and operated a large farm at Wright's Corners.

The 'Biography of Joseph Dumville' was kindly provided by Joel Dumville, who is great-great-grandson of Joseph Dumville. It appears to be based on the extract from the Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Niagara County, New York, 1892, and to have been written between the date of his burial in 1901 and the death of his daughter Margaret in 1928.

See also:

Joseph Dumville (1819-1900)

Joseph Dumville (1819-1900): Photographs